Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Udine adopted GammaPod™, a groundbreaking technology specifically designed for breast cancer radiation treatments, for clinical use.
The press conference held on December 23rd 2021 by Azienda sanitaria universitaria Friuli Centrale (ASU FC) made the clinical use of GammaPod™ official. Actually, the first three patients in Europe underwent the radiation treatment with this brand new technology days prior to the official news release.
As of today, the radiotherapy centre at the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Udine is the only European site to have this technology, specifically designed for breast treatments, available; hence, the first centre to offer the clinical advantages of a truly grounbreaking solution.
Udine is the third centre in the world to have GammaPod™ available. The other two are in the United States, home of the company manufacturer of the system: Xcision Medical Systems, founded by Prof. C. Yu, known as the “father of VMAT”. Such a remarkable detail makes us even more appreciative and proud.
The whole set of one-of-a-kind GammaPod™ techniques allow to distribute an awfully precise dose to the target, while dreastically reducing the dose on healthy tissues, skin included. The outstanding features of GammaPod™ grant to enhance clinical results and significantly decrease side effects.
Moreover, in the words of Dr. Marco Trovò – head of the Radiation Oncology Department:
“The unique features of GammaPod™ allow for several benefits, both on the clinical level, and from a social/economic point of view. Among the benefits that patients immediately experience is the time reduction of the overall treatment: instead of the traditional 4-6 weeks, GammaPod easily allows the entire treatment to be administered even in a single day. In our center, thanks to GammaPod, we treated the first patients with 3-5 fractions and then we went directly to the single fraction, to the enormous satisfaction of the patients.”
And Dr. Paolo Scalchi, Head of Health Physics, explains:
GammaPod™ allows to use extreme hypofractionation protocols for its specific features:
- use of rotating multiple radiation fields
- prone positioning of the patient with a specific system for stereotactic localization and dislocation of the target in relation to heart and lungs
- submillimetric accuracy of both irradiation geometry and couch movement.