GammaPod at ESTRO 2024

Clinical trials on breast cancer treatment with the GammaPod system are successfully progressing.

The research program conducted by ASUFC Udine on the treatment of breast cancer with the GammaPod system continues, to the full satisfaction of patients, with ESTRO 2024 approaching as a unique opportunity to explore the new perspectives offered by this innovative technology.

Experience first-hand the one and only stereotactic radiotherapy system designed specifically for the treatment of breast cancer, on Tema Sinergie booth (#95) at the Scottish Event Campus. This groundbreaking technology, both in terms of patient positioning and dose delivery system, can create new treatment possibilities, ones that were impossible before.

Among the various clinical protocols used in Udine, there is a prospective study of single fraction pre-operative stereotactic radiosurgery,  “Pre-operative single-fraction stereotactic-Partial Breast Irradiation (S-PBI) for early-stage breast cancer: pathological results1″. The results are extremely promising! Hence, ESTRO 2024 can also be the perfect opportunity for an in-depth analysis of the results of this study.

A poster which was recently presented at the 14th edition of the European Breast Cancer Conference illustrates the trial conducted on 49 patients, highlighting how a single fraction preoperative radiosurgery leads to an exceptionally high rate of major pathological responses, including complete pathological response.

The authors documented a correlation between dose and pathological response, and demonstrated that high doses of radiotherapy induce a significant reduction in the Ki-67 values before and after treatment. These findings suggest a possible prognostic significance of the Ki-67 proliferation index.

The clinical experience gained from the ASUFC Radiation Therapy department today constitutes a unique heritage which is arousing strong interest among other centres all over Europe.

See you in Glasgow, Booth #95!

1C. Reverberi, Istituto di Radioterapia Oncologica, ASU FC – A. Prisco, Istituto di Radioterapia Oncologica, ASU FC – G. Facondo, Istituto di Radioterapia Oncologica, ASU FC – E. Moretti, Istituto di Fisica Sanitaria, ASU FC – L. Seriau, Breast Unit, Clinica Chirurgica, ASU FC – S. Bertozzi, Breast Unit, Clinica Chirurgica, ASU FC – E. Pegolo, Dipartimento di Anatomia Patologica, ASU FC – M. Orsaria, Dipartimento di Anatomia Patologica, ASU FC – C. Zuiani, Istituto di Radiologia Diagnostica, ASU FC – P. Scalchi, Istituto di Fisica Sanitaria, ASU FC – C. Di Loreto, Dipartimento di Anatomia Patologica, ASU FC – C. Cedolini, Breast Unit, Clinica Chirurgica, ASU FC – M. Trovò, Istituto di Radioterapia Oncologica, ASU FC.